HealthSight Health List The Components of Blood Plasma: 7 Factors and their Vital Function

List The Components of Blood Plasma: 7 Factors and their Vital Function

List The Components of Blood Plasma: 7 Factors and their Vital Function

Before discussing the question: list the components of blood plasma, you must understand the blood, and blood plasma in detail.

So, Let’s Start this

Blood plasma is an essential component of the circulatory system that plays a crucial role in maintaining the body’s overall health. 

It is a yellowish fluid that makes up about 55% of the total blood volume and consists of various components that perform different functions.

What is Human Blood?

Human blood is a specialized bodily fluid that circulates through the blood vessels and delivers essential substances such as oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and immune cells to the body’s tissues and organs.

Furthermore, it removes waste products such as carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products from the tissues and transports them to the organs of elimination.

How Is Human Blood Composed of?

Human blood comprises several components, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. 

Red blood cells

It is also known as erythrocytes that carry oxygen to the body’s tissues.

White blood cells

It is also known as leukocytes, play a critical role in the body’s immune response to infection and disease. 


It is an essential for blood clotting, which helps prevent excessive bleeding when an injury occurs. 


The liquid component of blood comprises water, proteins, ions, hormones, and other nutrients and waste products.

Before diving into the detail of the list of components of blood plasma, have a look at

What is Blood Plasma?

Blood plasma is the liquid component of blood that makes up about 55% of the total blood volume in the human body.

However, It is a yellowish fluid consisting mainly of water but contains various dissolved substances, including proteins, hormones, electrolytes, nutrients, and waste products.

The List of the Components of Blood Plasma


Water is the most abundant blood plasma component, making up about 92% of its volume. It serves as a solvent for many substances, including nutrients, waste products, and hormones, and helps maintain the body’s fluid balance.


Blood plasma contains several types of proteins, including albumin, globulins, and Fibrinogen. Albumin helps regulate the body’s fluid balance and transport various substances, including hormones and enzymes. 

Globulins are vital to the immune system, helping fight infections and diseases.

In addition, Fibrinogen is responsible for the clotting of blood, which is essential in wound healing.


Blood plasma contains several hormones, including insulin, growth hormone, and thyroid hormone. These hormones regulate various bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, and development.


Blood plasma contains various electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These electrolytes help regulate the body’s fluid balance, maintain the pH level of the blood, and play a crucial role in nerve and muscle function.


Blood plasma contains various nutrients, including glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids. These nutrients are essential for the body’s energy production, growth, and repair.


Plasma contains a variety of ions, including sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and bicarbonate. These ions help to maintain the body’s pH balance and electrolyte balance.

Waste Products

Blood plasma also contains waste products, including urea, creatinine, and bilirubin. These waste products are filtered out by the kidneys and excreted from the body.

What is the Function of Blood Plasma?

Blood plasma performs several vital functions in the human body, including:

Transport of Nutrients and Waste Products

Blood plasma acts as a carrier for various substances, including nutrients like glucose and amino acids and waste products like urea and creatinine. These substances go through the blood plasma to different body parts, where they are utilized or eliminated.

Maintenance of Fluid Balance

Blood plasma helps maintain the body’s fluid balance by regulating the amount of water in the blood. It also contains electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and chloride, essential for adequately functioning cells and tissues.

Clotting of Blood

Blood plasma contains Fibrinogen, a protein that helps clot blood. When a blood vessel is damaged, Fibrinogen converts into fibrin, which forms a clot and prevents excessive bleeding.

Immune Function

Blood plasma contains antibodies and other proteins that are part of the immune system. These substances help fight off infections and other diseases by identifying and destroying harmful foreign substances in the body.

Hormone Transport

Blood plasma also acts as a carrier for hormones secreted by various glands in the body. These hormones go through the blood plasma to their target tissues, regulating bodily functions like metabolism, growth, and development.

Bottom Line

In the above, I have discussed the list of components of blood plasma. Blood plasma is a complex fluid containing various elements that perform different bodily functions. 

Furthermore, Understanding the components of blood plasma and their functions is essential in diagnosing and treating various diseases and disorders that affect the circulatory system.
For more details also read this article: How Is the Medical Science Center Exploring Medical Research

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